That said, I finally realized this weekend I missed journaling and sharing my adventures, so let me briefly try to bring everyone back up to speed.
Let's start with Erik. We tried very hard to make Izzy "his" horse. If you remember, Izzy was the rescue mustang we got in July of 2008. Unfortunately, she was just too much for Erik. She needed way more time, attention, and skills than he had to give. Thankfully, Morgan Silver at HPAF agreed to take her back and try to place her. It was a very difficult decision, but I truly believe it was the right one for all of us.
Izzy in June of 2008
Erik and Izzy this summer
That still left me with a dilema. Erik needed his own horse. I spent months looking on the interenet and reading ads. I found a few really nice ones, but none of them felt right. Then one day, a very good friend of mine asked if I'd be interested in their horse, Poca. She's a 9 year old, BTDT horse (perfect for Erik). She's one of the few QH's that I know who can keep up with my fast walking mustangs. We brought her home and immediately fell in love. She's everything Erik likes in a horse, and more importantly, I don't need to fix her. To my surprise, in less than four days, we were able to turn her out with the rest of our herd. Even Rocky (aka pit bull) doesn't seem to mind her.
Erik and Poca at Sal Taylor
Cory and Beauty at Jennings
Me and Rocky with Cory and Beauty at the Ravines
As for me, there's just not enough to go around. I am a wife, a mom, a teacher, etc. I feel like I am constantly being pulled in different directions. I've come to the conclusion that there's no way I can give all three of my horses everything they need and/or deserve. I need to downsize. I had originally thought about selling Linc, but just can't bring myself to do it. I have been through so much with both him and Rocky. Faith was the last one here, so in reality, she should be the first to go. I hate to see her wasting away in the paddock. She is finally ready (and almost begging) to go back to work. She should have her own person. Therefore, I listed her for reassignment. It took awhile, but I think I found a great match for her (more later).
Faith at Tiger Point
Me and Linc at the Florida Horse Park
Cory and Beauty, DeAnna and Rocky, Me and Linc at Pumpkin Hil
So there you have it. Short and sweet, just like I promised.
Hey Mustang ! Glad you are gonna start blogging again - I miss your updates. See you on the trail!
Thanks. I love sharing the pics on FB, but it's hard to share the story that's behind them.
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